This is the final week. Congratulations on this great journey. You have learnt a lot, and are becoming a bona fide data scientist.

We don’t have new learning materials for this week. But you need to take a grand review on what you have learnt, and do a final project.


Please submit two documents:

  1. review.tex: Use Latex to write a review on the whole 8-week study. It should
    • provide a brief summary on everything you have learnt.
    • state what you like and dislike, what parts are difficult.
  2. COVID19.Rmd: use R-markdown to generate a report for the data analysis project for the COVID19 data.

Day 1: A grand review

Work on homework quetion 1.

Day 2-4: The final project

You have analyze the COVID-19 data in previous homework questions. Now it’s time to put them together and generate a report.

The report should mimic the style of a scientific publication, which usually contains four major sections:

  1. Introduction and background. This section is a general introduction to the content of the work. It should provide motivations to the whole project, for example, why is it important and interesting, what we have known and not known, etc.
  2. Methods. The methods used for the projects. They can be data analytical or experimental methods.
  3. Results. Present and interpret the results obtained from the methods.
  4. Conclusion. What we learnt from this project.

For this project, you can combine the Methods and Results sections. So your report will have three sections:

  1. Introduction and background:
    • Provide some background for the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Write a few sentences for motivation: why you want to do this, what’s your scientific goal, etc.
  2. Methods and Results:
    • Briefly describe the content of the data.
    • Analyze the data. Present the results as numbers and figures. Use proper table and figure captions. Explain the results in plain language. Note, you can collect the analyses you have done for earlier homework, and present them in a neat way. Be organized and have a good logic flow in the presentation.
    • You are encouraged to come up with new ideas to analyze these data. If you search up the internet, there are many such analyses, in particular on
  3. Conclusion. Summarize what you have learned from analyzing the data.

Note, the data you used for homeworks were obtained at the start of this course. Now there are more data available. Here is a more recent version of the data. Please use this one for your final report.