
  • Create a Latex file homework3.tex:
    • Make a latex document with subsections and subsection. Put in some random text.
    • Type up the following equations in the tex file:

  • Create an R markdown file homework3.Rmd, and answer following questions. Pay attention to the format.

    1. Make scatterplot between mpg and horsepowers for mtcars data, using the plot function. For the figure, please:
      • Use different colors and point types for cars with differnt number of cylinders.
      • Add a legend to indicate the meaning of the point type/color.


      • check the type="n" option in the plot function, and the points function.
      • For the legend function, I used "topright" as location instead of giving the x and y coordinates. I think it’s easier. You can try other similar options, such as "bottomleft".

      I expect to see a figure similar to the following:

    2. Create a random matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns. - Compute the sum and mean of each row and each column, using loop. - Check out the following functions: rowMeans, colMeans, rowSums, colSums. Use these functions to repeat the above calculation.

    3. For the mtcars data,
      • compute the average horse power for cars with 6 cylinders, using loop and if-else. Can you do this more efficiently (with fewer lines code)?
      • compute the average mpg for cars with horse power greater less than 120, between 120 and 200, and greater than 200, using loop and if-else. Again, can you do this more efficiently?
    4. Include the equation required for homework3.tex in homework3.Rmd.

    5. Type up the distribution density function for normal distribution (the oft-seen bell-shaped curve) in homework3.Rmd. The density function is

  • Create an example.Rmd to reproduce everything in http://www.math.mcgill.ca/yyang/regression/RMarkdown/example.html, follow the same style. You can just copy/paste the text so that you don’t have to retype them. What you need to do is to correctly format it.

Day 1: Review on file I/O, data frame, list, and R base graphics

Day 2: R control statement

Day 3: Basic Latex

Day 4: R markdown

You have learned some R, some markdown, and some Latex. Now it’s time to put them together. From now on, I want a homework submitted in Rmarkdown format, so that the text and R code will be blended together.

Day 5: More latex and Rmarkdown