BIOS 591R - 2019 - Lecture 8: Graphics I: base graphics

Ziyi Li <>

Content today

  • Features and history of R graphics
  • Brief overview of BASE graphics

Features of R graphics

  • R has a powerful environment for visualization of scientific data
  • It provides publication quality graphics, which are fully programmable
  • Easily reproducible
  • Full LaTeX and Sweave support
  • Lots of packages and functions with built-in graphics support
  • On-screen graphics
  • Postscript, PDF, jpeg, png, SVG

History of R graphics

History of R graphics

R graphics can be confusing because there are no less than 4 different systems. Let's list them out here and talk about which one(s) to use.

Low-Level Capability

  • Base Graphics (Has Low and High Level functions)
  • Grid Graphics

High-Level Capability

  • Lattice Graphics
  • ggplot2

History: BASE graphics

  • Oldest and most commonly used
  • Uses a “pen-on-paper” model. You can only draw on top of the object. Cannot erase, modify, or delete what has already been drawn. Mimicing the thinking process.
  • Has both high and low level plotting routines (unique to Base)
  • Base graphics are fast.
  • Lots of documentation and “google” support

BASE graphics

History: Grid graphics

  • Developed in 2000 by Paul Murrell
  • Provides a rich set of graphics primitives
  • Uses a system of objects and view ports to make complex objects easier.
  • You will almost never use this directly unless you want to do in-depth programming

Grid graphics

History: Lattice package

  • Developed by Deepayan Sarkar to implement the trellis graphics system described in “Visualizing Data” by Cleveland.
  • Independent from the BASE graphics. Include its own functions such as xyplot, bwplot, levelplot
  • Easy to create conditioned plots with automatic creation of axes, legends, and other annotations
  • Usually considered to be an improvement over Base graphics.

Lattice package

xyplot(mpg~wt | factor(am,labels=c("Auto","Manual")), data=mtcars)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

History: ggplot2

  • Developed starting in 2005 by Hadley Wickham
  • ggplot2 is an implementation of Leland Wilkinson's Grammar of Graphics–a general scheme for data visualization which breaks up graph into semantic components such as scales and layers.
  • ggplot2 can serve as a replacement for the base graphics in R and contains a number of defaults for web and print display of common scales.
  • Is said to be much slower than Base graphics but this isn't a major thing (in my opinion)
  • Part of Tidyverse


BASE Graphics

Brief overview of BASE graphics

Brief overview of BASE graphics

Brief overview of BASE graphics

Brief overview of BASE graphics

Brief overview of BASE graphics